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We offer a wide range of consulting services in the field of ecological construction. We also act as independent experts for insurance companies and private persons in cases involving damage and/or defects.

Guidance for building owners
Catlin Re, Zürich: building owner guidance
Canton of Zug, Building Department: feasibility study on the energy-oriented renovation of theMenzingen Cantonal High School, 6313 Menzingen/ZG
Canton of Zug, Building Department: feasibility study on the energy-oriented renovation of Theilerareal – Shedhalle, 6300 Zug
City of Zürich, Building Office: energy guidance for retirement homes
Lassalle building: energy guidance for Bad Schönbrunn in Edlinbach
Pensimo Management AG: development of an assessment tool for new projects in collaboration with Fahrländer Partner
ABB Research Centre: energy guidance for renovation of ABB Research Centre in Segelhof-Dättwil
Industrial Works in Basel (IWB): building owner guidance for the IWB Customer Centre new build in Basel (strategy, planning, preliminary studies, competition procedure and project support)
City of Zürich, Building Office: energy guidance for six school campuses in the city of Zürich
Miscellaneous: purchasing and renovation guidance on apartment buildings
Miscellaneous owner associations: renovation guidance on terraced houses and storey ownership properties
Utilisation survey for the Herberge zur Heimat in Zürich
Ecological guidance for the ‘Im Wigarten’ development in Wetzikon
Building owner guidance on the South Walsham Hotel in Norwich (UK)
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